Röhrenverstärker Blackstar HT-20R MKII Combo

420 €

+ Versand ab 6,75 €
59929 Nordrhein-Westfalen - Brilon
  • Zustand Sehr Gut


Verkaufe meinen fast neuen Verstärker (gekauft 08/23) Blackstar HT 20 R MK II Röhrenverstärker mit 2/20 W. Habe ihn selten im Übungsraum bei unseren Proben genutzt. Super Sound, viele Effekte.

Auf größeren Bühnen brauche ich jedoch demnächst mindestens 50 Watt. Deshalb verkaufe ich schweren Herzens diesen Amp wieder.

Im Anschluss die Originalbeschreibung von der Blackstar Website:

From chiming cleans, to on-the-edge crunch, to full-on distortion, the HT-20 MkII delivers ‘the sound in your head’

EL84 Power Stage
EL84s are at the tonal heart of the HT-20R MkII combo and head. We applied our decades of valve amp design experience to combine the response and character of this classic British valve with a carefully voiced preamp to create wonderfully lush valve tones. From pure boutique cleans, to mild overdrive that cleans up by backing off the guitar volume control, right up to saturated distortion, this amp does it all.
Concentrated, to Concert-rated
The HT-20R MkII comes equipped with a power reduction feature taking you down to 2W without any tonal compromise, perfect for driving those EL84’s hard at manageable volumes in the studio or home.
When you’re ready to take to the stage, switch to full 20W and utilise the XLR DI output to simultaneously feed direct to the sound engineer with incredible sounding cabinet simulation.

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