Neil Pryde Glide Foil WING & Surf 2020

350 € VB

Nur Abholung
40629 Düsseldorf - Gerresheim
  • Art Wassersport
  • Zustand Gut


Neil Pryde Glide Foil WING & Surf 2020

Das Foil hat 2 Front Wings Small und Medium und zwei Adapter für Doppelschiene und Powerbox.

GLIDE SURF creates a playground for building new surfing sensations. With a stable and fast take off no matter the surf conditions, the GLIDE SURF delivers superior gliding and controlled speed to ride waves as far as they can flow. On the wave, the Glide Surf allows you to fly through the sections and progress from straight riding to progressive foil-turns. Your imagination is now the only limitation to how you will use the waves and how far you will fly.

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