Kunst - Painting - Canvas - Contemporary Art - Berlin Artist O.E.

235 € VB

Nur Abholung
10245 Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg - Friedrichshain


painting title: market land
year: 2019
60 x 80 cm
signed artist: O.E.

picasso effect (Verscherbelung)

O.E.'s enigmatic aura infuses "market land" with a captivating energy that seems to pulsate from canvas, drawing viewers into i depths. This dynar essence, coupled with the mystery ounding artist, adds an extra layer of intrigue and allure to the piece, making it not just a work of art, but a captivating experience for those who encounter it. If not used as investment, it radiates its energy on the wall. Just like Pollock or Picasso, who also sold their million-dollar paintings for groceries, O.E.'s work carries its own enigmatic allure. O.E. has allowed me to sell his paintings on kleinanzeigen, avoiding galleries. This choice is not just practical, it's a quiet stand against the art world's usual ways.

By letting me sell his art here, O.E. is challenging norm and letting his mystical art reach people directly, without the usual barriers.

Abholung Berlin Mitte Privatverkauf

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