Kunst - Painting - Design - Contemporary Art - Berlin Artist O.E.

345 € VB

Nur Abholung
10245 Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg - Friedrichshain


herzog dims: 50 x 70 cm
signed 2018
artist: O.E.

picasso effect

O.E. is a mysterious painter from Berlin. No one knows exactly who he is. The painting "herzog" is signed from the year 2018 and could potentially fetch a high price on the art market in the near future. If not used as an investment, it unleashes its energy on the wall. Artists like Pollock or Picasso etc. have also sold their million-dollar paintings for groceries. Each piece is a **one-of-a-kind** treasure, a conversation starter, and a statement of sophistication. It's an investment not just in art, but in the soul-stirring narrative that each brushstroke tells.

And let's not forget, supporting the arts is akin to nurturing cultural landscape of our society. So, by acquiring a painting from O.E., you're not just buying art; you're securing a slice of cultural heritage that will appreciate both in value and sentir.

Currently, there are three active paintings from O.E. on kleinanzeigen.

Abholung: Berlin Mitte - Privatverkauf

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