Krank Chadwick Series Vollröhren Amp 50 Watt Topteil

590 € VB

+ Versand ab 15,00 €
44388 Dortmund - Lütgendortmund
  • Zustand Gut



hier verkaufe Ich mein Krank Chadwick Topteil.

Hatte ihn für ein Doom Pojekt gekauft. Und Top dafür gepasst!

2020 war er das letzte mal beim Onkel Doktor und hat neue Röhren bekommen. Seit dem wenig gespielt worden.

Der Amp hat leichte äußerliche Gebrauchsspuren
50 Watt
Serieller FX Loop
Verschiedene Gain Schaltungen zb Shift oder Envelope

Klingt etwa mehr wie ein alter Marshall/Plexi ... NICHT vergleichbar mit den Krank Krankenstein oder Dimebag Tone

Inkl. Randall Switch

Das Internet sagt:
The Chadwick is a "fully Kranked" version of the classic British tube amp ala JMP/AC-30, but with more tone and more muscle. This baby pumps out 50 watts of classic tube tone laced with incredible harmonic overtones and warmth. The Clean channel is big and fat with clarity and power and features both Gain and Volume controls so you can dial up anything from perfectly clean to crunch. The Drive channel features 3 gain stages (variable Gain, switchable Drive, and Volume) with a very trick Envelope circuit that drives the power tubes harder at low volume levels. Both channels feature very smooth Bass, Mid, and Treble EQ controls that enhance your sound rather than change it. Any player from classic rock to hard country will fall in love with this amp fast.

Switchable Speaker Outputs 16, 8, and 4 ohms

Line out

2 power tubes

3 preamp tubes

Push/pull series effects loop with volume

Gain - This controls the amount of distortion or overdrive generated at the front end of the preamp section.

Drive - This adds gain in the middle of the preamp for more distortion and overdrive. Pushing the Drive switch in increases the gain in the circuit.

Envelope - This controls the amount of gain in the last stage of the preamp. Turned down, the envelope will sound cool and bright. Increasing the Envelope will increase sustain and make the amp sound a bit softer. It's best to start in the middle and check out both directions with this control. Note that if either the Gain or the Envelope is turned all the way down the amp will make no sound.

Shift - This switches the tone of the Drive channel between 1 of 2 preset values. In the 'out' or 'off' position the circuit flows normally through the EQ section. Pushed in and activated, Shift allows more mids and lows through the circuit and makes the tone controls slightly less active. Simply put the Shift control switches between Classic Tube and a Modified Tube amp. Krank Amplification thought both sounded great so they figured they would give you both options and let you choose what suits your style best.

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