Isaac Asimov Robot boooks/Bücher

14 € VB

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91056 Bayern - Erlangen
  • Art Science Fiction
  • Zustand Sehr Gut


Zustand: Sehr Gut
Format: Paperback
Sprache: Englisch

I, Robot
In I, Robot, Asimov sets out the Three Laws of Robotics designed to protect humans from their robotic creations and pushes them to their limits and beyond.

The Robots of the Dawn
On Aurora, the first and greatest of the Spacer planets, Elijah Baley and R. Daneel Olivaw investigate yet another seemingly impossible crime this time, a roboticide.

The Rest of The Robots
How could robots be used in a time of war? Could a robot be raised like a child? Could we allow them to have children of their own? Is there any human profession that could never be performed by a robotic replacement?

Robots and Empire
Two centuries have passed since Elijah Baley s actions on Aurora sent settlers from Earth to new worlds all over the galaxy. The Spacer planet of Solaria has been abandoned by humans, though countless robots remain.
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