I am Number Four Band 1-3 von Pittacus Lore

15 € VB

+ Versand ab 4,50 €
93053 Bayern - Regensburg
  • Art Unterhaltungsliteratur
  • Zustand Sehr Gut


Ich verkaufe I am Number Four Band 1-3 von Pittacus Lore. Die Bücher sind in englischer Sprache. Die Bücher haben nur ganz leichte, kaum sichtbare Gebrauchsspuren.

Klappentext Band 1:

Nine of us came here. We look like you. We talk like you. We live among you. But we are not you. We can do things you dream of doing. We have powers you dream of having. We are stronger and faster than anything you have ever seen. We are the superheroes you worship in movies and comic books--but we are real.

Our plan was to grow, and train, and become strong, and become one, and fight them. But they found us and started hunting us first. Now all of us are running. Spending our lives in shadows, in places where no one would look, blending in. We have lived among you without you knowing.

But they know.

They caught Number One in Malaysia.
Number Two in England.
And Number Three in Kenya.
They killed them all.

I am Number Four.

I am next.

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