Diary of a Mad Bride (Laura Wolf) wie NEU

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74321 Baden-Württemberg - Bietigheim-Bissingen
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Marriages are made in heaven - but weddings are made in hell ...What is it about getting married that can turn a sophisticated, level-headed woman into an obsessed wreck? That's what Amy wonders as she watches her girlfriends nosedive into bridal dementia: dropping a hundred I.Q. points, losing all fashion sense, and dramatically increasing their ability to cry. Amy will never let that happen to her! But when her boyfriend unexpectedly drops to one knee in the popcorn queue she can't help but say yes. And before she knows it, she too has been struck by the madness. Can Amy overcome her mania? Regain her senses? Stop agonising over the perfect white satin pump in time to get the wedding day of her dreams? Or will it all go horribly, wincingly, hilariously wrong?

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