Britische Victoria-Kreuz / Medaille Replika

39 €

+ Versand ab 3,00 €
91096 Bayern - Möhrendorf
  • Art Münzen
  • Zustand Sehr Gut


Versand +3€ (Versichert +4,99€)

Britische Victoria Cross Tapferkeitsmedaille. Eine Full-Size-Medaille.

The Victoria Cross

By the early 19th century, Britain was awarding medals to its soldiers and sailors to recognize their participation in military campaigns. The issuing of medals for acts of valour to anyone beyond officers or members of the established elite was, however, not practiced. In contrast to most European states of the period, such as France and Russia, Britain was one of the last to institute an order of military merit that would recognize the military exploits of the common man. The Victoria Cross was to change this for Britain, and in 1857, the newly established medal would be awarded to military members regardless of rank.

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