2x SPL Frontliner Model 2800 Channel Strip

1.400 €

Nur Abholung
10961 Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg - Kreuzberg
  • Zustand Gut


Preis ist pro Gerät

The SPL Frontliner Pre-Amp, De-Esser, Compressor and EQ Channel Strip establishes the basis for world-class recordings. Each of its particular processing stages can be inserted into studio environments or DAWs like analog plug-ins!

The SPL Frontliner Channel Strip and Processing Unit has all tools on board to record vocals and instruments in perfect quality. Positioned even above our bestseller Channel One, it merges preamp, de-esser, EQ and compressor.

The hybrid preamp with discrete transistor stage and separate tube stage combines high performance and neutrality with the option for sound coloration by enhancing the harmonic content with the switchable tube drive.

The unique one-knob de-esser employs a phase cancelling technique to reduce sibilants. With three bands, the EQ section covers the complete frequency spectrum efficiently, and a tube saturation control allows to apply distortion to any signal from subtle to reckless levels.

The compressor offers all classic parameters and a controllable automation of attack and release which adjusts the setting of time constants to the input signal – pretty much like a cruise control. Thanks to the individual analog I/Os, all these powerful, hi-end analog processors can be inserted into any studio by the Frontliner pilot, i. e. to use them also during mixing and mastering.

The SPL Frontliner Main Features Include:

Record vocals and instruments in perfect quality
Preamp, de-esser, EQ and compressor
Mixing and mastering applications
Hybrid preamp with discrete transistor stage and separate tube stage
Switchable tube drive.
Unique one-knob de-esser
3-Band EQ
Tube saturation control
Compressor offers all classic parameters and a controllable automation of attack and release
Individual analog I/O's

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