Fender Musicmaster Bj. 78 USA Vintage Guitar (Mustang, Bronco)

950 €

Nur Abholung
10999 Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg - Kreuzberg
  • Zustand Gut


USA made Fender Musicmaster in Olympic White from 1977/78 acording yo the serial number. Now aged to a lovely vintage yellow over the years.

Similar in build/size to a Mustang and Bronco.

All original parts, including the original pickup, which was professionally replaced with a Seymour Duncan Hotrails. Both the original pickup (worth 100 EUR) and the SD are included in the sale.

Open to trade with Jazzmaster/Jaguar/Mustang or similar Fender with trem arm.

Can be checked over and picked up in 10999 Berlin.

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