Fraternity | Andy Mientus | lgbtiaq+ | Englisch

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04177 Leipzig - Altlindenau
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Author and actor Andy Mientus’s Fraternity is a queer, dark academia YA about a mysterious boarding school and a brotherhood that must stay in the shadows, making it “the queer found family scary sexy emotional grunge coming-of-age story I never knew I needed” (Bowen Yang).

In the fall of 1991, Zooey Orson transfers to the Blackfriars School for Boys hoping for a fresh start following a scandal at his last school. He quickly learns, however, that he isn’t the only student keeping a secret. Before he knows it, he’s fallen in with a group of boys who all share the same secret, one which they can only express openly within the safety of the clandestine gatherings of the Vicious Circle––the covert club for gay students that goes back decades. But when the boys unwittingly happen upon the headmaster’s copy of an arcane occult text, they unleash an eldritch secret so terrible, it threatens to consume them all.

A queer paranormal story set during the still-raging AIDS crisis, Fraternity examines a time not so long ago when a secret brotherhood lurked in the shadows. What will Zooey and his friends do to protect their found family?

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