Fotobuch / Bildband / Photography - Jörg Brüggemann - Metalheads

28 €

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81373 München - Sendling-Westpark
  • Art Kunst & Kultur


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Wer Heavy Metal hört, steckt in der Pubertät, ist taub - oder hat einfach keinen Geschmack. Wer so über diese Musik spottet, versteht nichts von ihrer wahren Macht. Denn ein großartiger Bildband eines Berliner Fotografen zeigt: Das Headbanger-Genre ist die einzige Weltmusik der Gegenwart.

The lives and passion of heavy metal fans around the world captured in vivid images.
Heavy metal is a phenomenon. Although this musical genre is still ridiculed by many, it is currently more popular and successful around the world than at its supposed peak in the 1980s.
Today, so-called metalheads can be found worldwide. No matter who they are or where they come from, they are united by heavy metal across borders, generations, genders, religions, and social classes.
The photographer Jörg Brüggemann traveled to Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Indonesia, Egypt, and the USA to shoot pictures of heavy metal fans. Metalheads is a collection of the resulting images, which strikingly portray them and their passion. The atmosphere of concerts and clubs is captured with such authenticity that viewers can practically smell the beer and sweat, and hear a ringing in their ears.
The photography in Metalheads is complemented by informative texts that put the global metal scene into context, share personal experiences, and describe the evolution of this musical genre from its humble beginnings until the present day.

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